CA Immo has promoted Markus Kuttner to group head of asset management at the Vienna-listed property company.

ca immo has promoted markus kuttner to group head of asset management for the vienna listed property

Ca Immo has Promoted Markus Kuttner to Group Head of Asset Management For the Vienna Listed Property

In his new role, Kuttner (pictured) will lead all asset management activities for CA Immo's €3.8 bn property portfolio in Austria, Germany and Eastern Europe, including the newly created Office Solutions & Design department.

Kuttner was previously in charge of asset management for Eastern Europe. He started his career with Bank Austria Creditanstalt Real Invest, where he was in charge of asset management in Germany, CEE and South Eastern Europe (SEE). In 2007 he joined Raiffeisen Capital Management as investment manager for real estate fund products before taking over as head of asset management CEE/SEE at CA Immo in 2009.

His former deputy, Michael Rausch, will move up to head the asset management activities in Eastern Europe.