Poland's largest residential building company J.W. Construction raised 777 million zloty (EUR 262 mln) in the largest IPO on the stock exchange in Warsaw this year. The company priced almost 11 million new and existing shares at 71 zloty each. J.W. Construction, based in a suburb of the Polish capital, plans to use the proceeds to purchase land for development, cementing its leading position in Warsaw and expanding into other major Polish cities, Bloomberg reported. J.W. Construction may also enter Ukraine and Russia, Romania and Bulgaria.
Poland's largest residential building company J.W. Construction raised 777 million zloty (EUR 262 mln) in the largest IPO on the stock exchange in Warsaw this year. The company priced almost 11 million new and existing shares at 71 zloty each. J.W. Construction, based in a suburb of the Polish capital, plans to use the proceeds to purchase land for development, cementing its leading position in Warsaw and expanding into other major Polish cities, Bloomberg reported. J.W. Construction may also enter Ukraine and Russia, Romania and Bulgaria.