Boetzelen Real Estate, a German investor in retail properties, has announced it is preparing for its initial public offering. It intends to seek a listing on the official market segement of Frankfurt Stock Exchange before the end of the half half of 2007. The IPO proceeds will be used primarily for growing the company's real estate portfolio.

Boetzelen Real Estate, a German investor in retail properties, has announced it is preparing for its initial public offering. It intends to seek a listing on the official market segement of Frankfurt Stock Exchange before the end of the half half of 2007. The IPO proceeds will be used primarily for growing the company's real estate portfolio.

UBS Investment Bank has been mandated as Global Coordinator and Bookrunner for the initial public offering, co managers are UniCredit Markets & Investment Banking (Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank) and West.

As of 31 March 2007, Boetzelen Real Estate has a retail portfolio worth more than EUR 200 mln, of which half was acquired in the first quarter of this year.

Dusan R. Rajcic, chairman of Boetzelen, commented: 'Our specialisation as a real estate investor in discounters, supermarkets and specialist retail stores, as well as our clear focus on attractive market locations, makes us particularly interesting for German and international investors. We have already shown in the past that we as specialists with many decades of experience in a range of different sectors in the real estate market are able to profitably exploit high growth opportunities.'