Italy's Bnl Fondi Immobiliari, acting on behalf of its Dinamico real estate fund, has acquired five buildings in Northern Italy from the German supermarket chain Metro for a total of EUR 61.5 mln. The commercial properties are all leased to Mediaword and are located in Milan, Cinisello Balsamo, Parma, Brescia and Erbusco. The assets provide a total gross surface of 35,000 m[sup]2[/sup].

Italy's Bnl Fondi Immobiliari, acting on behalf of its Dinamico real estate fund, has acquired five buildings in Northern Italy from the German supermarket chain Metro for a total of EUR 61.5 mln. The commercial properties are all leased to Mediaword and are located in Milan, Cinisello Balsamo, Parma, Brescia and Erbusco. The assets provide a total gross surface of 35,000 m2.