Berlin's Notary Chamber has relaxed traditional rules requiring the physical presence of parties when a property deal is signed in the light of the coronavirus crisis.

Sarah Scherwitzki

Sarah Scherwitzki

According to new guidelines, representatives without official power of representation can be employed during this period, while digital video technology can also be used to enable participation in notarisations.

Sarah Scherwitzki (pictured), notary at Berlin practice Bottermann Khorrami, said: 'Because notarial services are systemically relevant, the Berlin Chamber of Notaries has given us the means to carry out these services during the Coronavirus pandemic even without the presence of all parties involved.

'Instead of the parties to the contract, employees of our notary's office can be appointed as representatives without power of attorney. The parties to the contract then simply provide their signature in front of the notary in a place of their choice in order to approve the contract.'

Susanne Tiling, notary at Bottermann Khorrami, added: 'In addition, especially in times of corona, we make use of the possibilities of digitalisation for our clients and, if desired, have the parties join the notarisation negotiations via video conference. In this way they can - as under normal circumstances - ask questions directly during the notarisation of the deeds.'

The solutions can be applied for real estate purchase contracts, land charges or articles of association signed during the crisis.