Befimmo is disposing of its Empress Court office building in Brussels for EUR 51 mln. The Brussels-listed firm announced that it has accepted an irrevocable tender offer for the property from Belgian water utility company Vivaqua.

Befimmo is disposing of its Empress Court office building in Brussels for EUR 51 mln. The Brussels-listed firm announced that it has accepted an irrevocable tender offer for the property from Belgian water utility company Vivaqua.

The 5,900-m2 building, located at Boulevard de l'Impératrice 17-19, 1000 Brussels, has been part of Befimmo's property portfolio since it took over the Cibix Sicafi in 2001. Since the departure of the tenant - Belgacom - in October 2008, Befimmo has undertaken major renovation works which are due to be completed in early-2011.

The disposal, once finalised, is expected to generate a result of roughly EUR 0.70 per share, Befimmo said.