Belgian real estate company Banimmo listed on Euronext Paris at the end of December to enable it to opt for SIIC status, the French equivalent of a real estate investment trust (REIT). From its head office in Brussels, Banimmo is active in Belgium, France and Luxembourg both in the office, retail and semi-retail real estate markets and in exhibitions and conference centres. The French branch concentrates on the French market from its office in Paris.
Belgian real estate company Banimmo listed on Euronext Paris at the end of December to enable it to opt for SIIC status, the French equivalent of a real estate investment trust (REIT). From its head office in Brussels, Banimmo is active in Belgium, France and Luxembourg both in the office, retail and semi-retail real estate markets and in exhibitions and conference centres. The French branch concentrates on the French market from its office in Paris.
Banimmo has invested in about 25 properties with a total portfolio value of more than EUR 280 mln. Belgium is the most important market with a market value of more than 70% of the portfolio while France accounts for slightly more than 20% of the portfolio. French group Affine owns 50% of Banimmo in partnership with management, which owns 27%. The remaining 23% is publicly-owned.