Dutch property investment fund B&S Vastgoed has acquired the 11,000 m[sup]2[/sup] Vitrum office building in Amsterdam from Urban Interest Real Estate Investment for EUR 58 mln. Property advisor Appelhoven acted for the buyer and Van Dijk & Ten Cate advised Urban Interest.
Dutch property investment fund B&S Vastgoed has acquired the 11,000 m2 Vitrum office building in Amsterdam from Urban Interest Real Estate Investment for EUR 58 mln. Property advisor Appelhoven acted for the buyer and Van Dijk & Ten Cate advised Urban Interest.
Hague-based Urban Interest bought the property in 2001 and spent EUR 12 mln to completely renovate it four years later when the former tenant moved out. The building is now let to the government building agency Rijksgebouwendienst on a 10-year lease and is occupied by the Amsterdam court service.