British engineering and construction group Balfour Beatty has announced that its specialist concession unit Consort Healthcare has been awarded a £136 mln (EUR 200 mln) contract to redevelop Salford Hospital in Greater Manchester. Due to open in 2012, the development will involve 36,000 m[sup]2[/sup] of new accommodation and the refurbishment of existing buildings. Consort will design, construct, operate and maintain a new acute hospital building, an education building and a multi-storey car park under a 35-year PFI (private finance initiative) concession contract, using Balfour Beatty Group companies. PFIs are used by the UK government as a way of funding major capital investments without immediately using public funds.

British engineering and construction group Balfour Beatty has announced that its specialist concession unit Consort Healthcare has been awarded a £136 mln (EUR 200 mln) contract to redevelop Salford Hospital in Greater Manchester. Due to open in 2012, the development will involve 36,000 m2 of new accommodation and the refurbishment of existing buildings. Consort will design, construct, operate and maintain a new acute hospital building, an education building and a multi-storey car park under a 35-year PFI (private finance initiative) concession contract, using Balfour Beatty Group companies. PFIs are used by the UK government as a way of funding major capital investments without immediately using public funds.

In a separate announcement, Balfour Beatty says that the UK's Network Rail have confirmed its Rail unit as one of its four long-term renewals contractors. The unit has been responsible for plain line, switches and crossings renewals across the South East of England since 2004 under a contract worth approximately £ 90 mln (EUR 132 mln) annually. The contract extension means that Balfour Beatty Rail will continue this work under existing arrangements to 2009.