AXA REIM has agreed to acquire an office development at Monchyplein in The Hague from Dutch company Blauwhoed for EUR 24 mln. The scheme will provide 7,000 m[sup]2[/sup] of lettable area. The Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI), part of Wageningen University and Research Centre, is going to lease the majority of the space. The development is scheduled for completion in 2008.

AXA REIM has agreed to acquire an office development at Monchyplein in The Hague from Dutch company Blauwhoed for EUR 24 mln. The scheme will provide 7,000 m2 of lettable area. The Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI), part of Wageningen University and Research Centre, is going to lease the majority of the space. The development is scheduled for completion in 2008.