AMB Capital, one of Australia’s largest family offices, is preparing to enter the European market by backing Arrow Capital Partners' expansion across the continent.

martyn mccarthy and christian bearman

Martyn Mccarthy and Christian Bearman

Arrow Capital Partners, which was set up in 2015 to invest in equity and debt opportunities in the European and Asia-Pacific markets, has hired Situs' former CEO Christian Bearman to lead a network of five offices in Europe. 

The platform will start with a team of 12 operators including Katherine Parker, former senior fund manager at Tesco Pension Investments.

Bearman said Arrow Capital would look to the UK regardless of the Brexit outcome as it presents 'good investment opportunities, at the correct entry point'.

'AMB makes investments by backing the right management teams globally,' added Vaughn Taylor, executive director at AMB Capital Partners. 'In Arrow Capital Partners, we’ve selected an investment partner and team with an excellent track record of delivering attractive risk-adjusted returns across multiple major real estate markets globally. This will be our first investment into Europe and we think it’s an unparalleled opportunity to back a management team of this quality.'

Martyn McCarthy, managing partner at Arrow Capital Partners, said: 'As a private partnership, Arrow has the freedom to adopt a dynamic and entrepreneurial approach with its partners investing their capital alongside investors, sharing in the upside and ensuring alignment of interest.'