Atlas Estates, a property investment company which focuses on central and eastern Europe, has acquired three properties in Romania, Poland and Slovakia for a total of EUR 23 mln. The purchase includes a 32,000 m[sup]2[/sup] plot of land in Romania for EUR 14.39 mln, and a 6,000 m[sup]2[/sup] office building in Poland for EUR 7.35 mln.

Atlas Estates, a property investment company which focuses on central and eastern Europe, has acquired three properties in Romania, Poland and Slovakia for a total of EUR 23 mln. The purchase includes a 32,000 m2 plot of land in Romania for EUR 14.39 mln, and a 6,000 m2 office building in Poland for EUR 7.35 mln.

The company also said that the construction of the new Hilton in Warsaw has now been completed and that the hotel will open its doors on March 1, 2007. The residential market in Warsaw continues to be 'extremely strong', Atlas Estates added.