Global advisory firm Atisreal said it acted as advisor on the acquisition by Irish private investor Sloane of the Place Vendome building in Paris for EUR 640 mln. The trophy asset was bought from Hammerson and AXA Reim. The transaction reflected a net yield of 3.5%. The historical building in Rue Saint Honoré provides some 22,000 m[sup]2[/sup] of offices and 5,500 m[sup]2[/sup] of retail space. The building is fully let to several tenants including Clifford Chance, Proskauer Rose, Cacharel, Hugo Boss, Tommy Hilfiger and Swarowski.
Global advisory firm Atisreal said it acted as advisor on the acquisition by Irish private investor Sloane of the Place Vendome building in Paris for EUR 640 mln. The trophy asset was bought from Hammerson and AXA Reim. The transaction reflected a net yield of 3.5%. The historical building in Rue Saint Honoré provides some 22,000 m2 of offices and 5,500 m2 of retail space. The building is fully let to several tenants including Clifford Chance, Proskauer Rose, Cacharel, Hugo Boss, Tommy Hilfiger and Swarowski.