Despite the spread of sustainability certificates, a key topic of discussion in the property sector continues to revolve around reliable criteria for assessing sustainability in portfolio properties as part of modernisation, refurbishment and revitalisation plans.
Despite the spread of sustainability certificates, a key topic of discussion in the property sector continues to revolve around reliable criteria for assessing sustainability in portfolio properties as part of modernisation, refurbishment and revitalisation plans.
In addition to energy efficiency, important factors in drawing up future-proof building utilisation profiles are the building concept, its location and the
potential presence of pollutants.
TÜV SÜD Industrie Service in Germany is one of the companies pushing an integrated approach to due diligence analysis which it says offers investors, developers and property owners a reliable basis for evaluating the viability of existing office and administrative properties and for certifying their sustainability.
TÜV SÜD presents its range of services at Expo Real, held in Munich from 4 to 6 October.
'A sustainability analysis of existing properties is not only designed to preserve their value but must also identify potential areas of securing marketability,' says Dr. Stefan Heuß, head of the Energy Efficiency Center of Competence at TÜV SÜD Industrie Service.
Using its extensive experience in real-estate due diligence as a basis, TÜV SÜD has developed an integrated valuation system made up of around 150 informative criteria in five assessment categories, including the situation with respect to thermal and electrical energy, the architectural design of the building, building service equipment and potential opportunities for change of use. The analysis also examines the building materials used, the possible presence of pollutant loads and property-specific details of the building's attractiveness and environment.