AMB Property Europe has announced the completion of the development of AMB Fokker Logistics Centres 3 and 4A next to Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport. The phase, which comprises 30,200 m[sup]2[/sup] of space, brings the total distribution space at AMB's Fokker Logistics Park to approximately 63,100 m2, or 75% of the total planned development.

AMB Property Europe has announced the completion of the development of AMB Fokker Logistics Centres 3 and 4A next to Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport. The phase, which comprises 30,200 m2 of space, brings the total distribution space at AMB's Fokker Logistics Park to approximately 63,100 m2, or 75% of the total planned development.

'With this development, AMB continues to accommodate growing customer demand by providing state-of-the-art facilities adjacent to Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport,' said Mo Barzegar, AMB's European managing director. 'As the third-ranked cargo airport in Europe, Schiphol continues to be a key target market in AMB's European investment strategy.'

The completed facilities are part of a 84,000 m2 multi-phase development for AMB's Europe portfolio which was started in 2004 and is scheduled for completion in 2010. AMB is developing these buildings in a joint venture with AFBP CV - a cooperation between Delta Development Group, Koninklijke Volker Wessels Stevin and Reggeborgh Beheer.

AFBP is the owner and developer of the former Fokker industrial complexes in Schiphol-East. Schiphol-based AMB Property Europe is an affiliate of AMB Property Corporation, a global developer and owner of industrial real estate.