German REIT Alstria Office said on Monday it had agreed a long-term lease with IT firm Atos Origin for around 4,000 m[sup]2[/sup] of office space in the Mundsburg Tower in Hamburg. The lease will start in January 2013, following the full refurbishment of the asset, Alstria said. Atos Origin will be the buildings main tenant in the Mundsburg Office Tower in Hamburg, which is now 45% pre-let.

German REIT Alstria Office said on Monday it had agreed a long-term lease with IT firm Atos Origin for around 4,000 m2 of office space in the Mundsburg Tower in Hamburg. The lease will start in January 2013, following the full refurbishment of the asset, Alstria said. Atos Origin will be the buildings main tenant in the Mundsburg Office Tower in Hamburg, which is now 45% pre-let.

Mundsburg is one of the first buildings in Germany to be certified as a sustainable building by the DGNB (Deutsche Gesellschaft für nachhaltiges Bauen) in accordance with the new ‘modernisation of office and administrative buildings’ certification program. The DGNB Silver pre-certificate demonstrates the project’s sustainability, particularly with regard to space and energy efficiency, as well as tenant comfort, Alstria said.

Atos Origin was looking to improve the space efficiency of its offices and reduce its overall real estate costs. The new concept developed by Alstria for the Mundsburg Tower allowed Atos Origin to meet both goals. Olivier Elamine, CEO of Alstria Office REIT-AG said: ‘This new lease is another testimony that improving efficiency and modernizing buildings creates value both for the owner and the tenant.’