Investment manager AEW Europe has sold two French retail portfolios, Sérénité 1 and 2, for a total of EUR 40 mln. The pan-European company said that it has divested Sérérité 1 to SCPI Immorente and OPCI RFA Sofimmo, managed by Sofidy, for a total of EUR 21.5 mln.
Investment manager AEW Europe has sold two French retail portfolios, Sérénité 1 and 2, for a total of EUR 40 mln. The pan-European company said that it has divested Sérérité 1 to SCPI Immorente and OPCI RFA Sofimmo, managed by Sofidy, for a total of EUR 21.5 mln.
The portfolio consists of 26 retail units in central locations and leased to national retailers. The Retail Consulting Group advised the seller on real estate, while notary firm Wargny-Katz gave legal advise. Notary firm Duparc acted for the buyer.
In two further transactions, AEW Europe has disposed of the Sérénité 2 portfolio for nearly EUR 19 mln to Fonciere Aurora and an unnamed private company. Foncière Aurora, managed by Ereo Conseil, has acquired nine mid-sized surfaces leased to retailers such as Leader Price, Chausséa, Maxi Toys, and Casa, for some EUR 13 mln. Wargny-Katz advised the seller and Allez et Associés acted for the buyer.
AEW Europe sold the remaining assets in the Sérénité 2 portfolio to a private buyer for EUR 6 mln. They consist of four mid-sized retail units in Chambray-les-Tours, Ezanville, Conflans-en-Jarnisy and Olivet.