AEW Europe's EUR 350 mln European core office fund, Euroffice, has purchased an office complex, MainPark am Kaiserlei in Offenbach, close to Frankfurt in Germany, from the Bayerische Bau und Immobilien Gruppe. Financial details were not disclosed.
AEW Europe's EUR 350 mln European core office fund, Euroffice, has purchased an office complex, MainPark am Kaiserlei in Offenbach, close to Frankfurt in Germany, from the Bayerische Bau und Immobilien Gruppe. Financial details were not disclosed.
The office asset is fully let to the state-owned French company Areva NP with a lease length of 20 years on a net lettable area of 28,000 m2. Jean Lavieille, co-head of fund management for the Euroffice Fund at AEW Europe in Paris said: 'The good quality of this asset and the great covenant of the tenant made this an excellent investment choice for the fund.'
Kai-Uwe Ludwig, member of the management board responsible for the Investment and Transactions division at the Bayerische Bau und Immobilien Gruppe, added: 'In line with our portfolio strategy, we want to increasingly focus on investments in locations in the centres of the cities of Berlin, Frankfurt and Hamburg, in addition to our core market of Munich. We are therefore selling carefully selected assets in other locations.'
Gereon Kohlgrueber, director in Investments at AEW Europe in Düsseldorf concluded: 'We feel the Frankfurt regional office market is bottoming out which makes this an interesting time to buy.'
So far this year in Germany, AEW Europe has invested around EUR 200 mln in core office assets.
AEW Europe together with its US and Singapore affiliates have over EUR 30 bn in gross assets under management, and are a subsidiary of Natixis Global Asset Management.