AEW Europe/Curzon has announced that its Central European fund PBW II raised equity of EUR 377 mln following the final closing. PBW II is the follow-on fund to the successful value-added central European closed-end PBW I with an existing portfolio of about 200,000 m[sup]2[/sup] of assets in Budapest, Warsaw and Prague.

AEW Europe/Curzon has announced that its Central European fund PBW II raised equity of EUR 377 mln following the final closing. PBW II is the follow-on fund to the successful value-added central European closed-end PBW I with an existing portfolio of about 200,000 m2 of assets in Budapest, Warsaw and Prague.

'We are pleased that the PBW II Fund has received such a positive response, we hadn’t expected to be oversubscribed. We are happy to welcome old friends and new investors from across Europe and the Middle East,' said Jean Lavieille, head of funds in Paris. The company managing director Artur Mokrzycki added that further investemnts are being discussed in Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Romania. 'We expect to be nearly 50% invested by year end,' he said.

AEW Europe/Curzon is a European real estate investment manager with a staff of over 240 operating from offices in Paris, London, Barcelona, Milan, Stockholm, Luxembourg, Prague, Budapest, Warsaw, and Dusseldorf. AEW Europe together with its US and Singapore affiliates have over EUR 30 bn in gross assets under management.