Specialist senior residential investor Aedifica has sold three care homes in the Netherlands for €31.5 mln. 

Care specialist

Care Specialist

The properties are located in Baarn, Deventer and Hilversum.

According to the firm, the disposal is part of Aedifica's strategic asset rotation programme. To date, the firm has divested some €50 mln of properties in 2024.

Aedifica said that the assets were relatively small properties, with two out of three being historic buildings. All of the care homes are operated by Domus Valuas and accommodate up to a total of 81 residents.

The disposal of these properties has a positive impact on the average weighted average unexpired lease term and net energy use intensity of the group’s portfolio in the Netherlands.

Stefaan Gielens, CEO of Aedifica, commented: 'Aedifica has sold a portfolio of three care residences in the Netherlands for €31.5 mln. The successful disposal of these assets at a small premium to their latest fair value highlights our ability to effectively implement our strategic goals.

'This disposal marks a further step in our strategic asset rotation programme for 2024, which has already reached €50 million. By divesting these assets, we are not only optimising the composition of our portfolio but also provide extra headroom for new investments.'