Italian property companies Aedes and Gefim have formed a joint venture for the development of a revitalisation project on a former industrial site north of Milan. The 500,000 m[sup]2[/sup] 'green' development will include a 155,000 public park, 18,000 m[sup]2[/sup] of piazzas, gardens, yards, tree-lined streets and cycle paths.

Italian property companies Aedes and Gefim have formed a joint venture for the development of a revitalisation project on a former industrial site north of Milan. The 500,000 m2 'green' development will include a 155,000 public park, 18,000 m2 of piazzas, gardens, yards, tree-lined streets and cycle paths.

The companies said Parco Adriano, the brainchild of architect Paolo Caputo, will incorporate low energy use, partly via a co-generation plant, and various other environment-friendly energy and transport systems.