Aberdeen Property Investors (API) has acquired a landmark office building in greater Copenhagen for around DKK 300 mln (EUR 40 mln). Located in the Tuborg port area, the property offers 11,000 m[sup]2[/sup] of office space in Hellerup and is earmarked for API's Property Fund Denmark. The vendor is the Danish property company Jeudan.
Aberdeen Property Investors (API) has acquired a landmark office building in greater Copenhagen for around DKK 300 mln (EUR 40 mln). Located in the Tuborg port area, the property offers 11,000 m2 of office space in Hellerup and is earmarked for API's Property Fund Denmark. The vendor is the Danish property company Jeudan.
In its turn, Aberdeen has sold two properties in the Danish capital to Jeudan for some DKK 260 mln. The assets are the Holmen Channel 7 and Pilestraede 52, with a total area of 11,300 m2 as well as over 200 parking spaces.
'With the acquisition and the sale, both parties have acquired properties that match our portfolio and investment strategies,' said Tonny Nielsen, managing director of Aberdeen Asset Management Denmark.
He added: 'We are happy with this trade, which partly leads to an optimisation of the real estate portfolio and, secondly, because we realize a profit on the sale of two properties.'