German lender Aareal Bank, together with the Real Estate Management Institute of the EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht (EBS REMI) have announced the winners of the 2014 prize of ‘Excellence in Real Estate Research'.

German lender Aareal Bank, together with the Real Estate Management Institute of the EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht (EBS REMI) have announced the winners of the 2014 prize of ‘Excellence in Real Estate Research'.

The annual award, which honours academic excellence in real estate economics, is worth a total of €12,000 and has three categories: dissertation, research paper and MSc/BSc/diploma thesis.

In the category dissertation, the award went to Dr Avis Devine from the University of Cincinnati, USA for her work ‘Three Essays in Residential Real Estate Topics: An Examination of Rental Tenure, Green Residential Construction Policy and Green Residential Rental Rates’.

Qing Li from the National University of Singapore won the prize in the category Research Paper for her work on the subject: ‘Property Dispositions and REIT Credit Rankings’ while Rebecca Disbrow of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the US won the prize in the category MSc-/BSc-/Diploma Thesis for her work on the subject: ‘When the Market Wants to Build Big: the Economic Feasibility of Micro Units in NYC’.

‘Already since 2008, Aareal Bank and the EBS REMI have been rewarding superior scientific endeavour in the field of real estate economics. The prize has since developed into an award with excellent international reputation,’ commented Dagmar Knopek, member of the management board of Aareal Bank.

The prize is aimed at promoting young talent in the real estate sector, Aareal added. ‘The quality of the works submitted was really outstanding this year’, noted Professor Dr Nico B. Rottke, head of the EBS REMI.