SUSI Partners, via its SUSI Energy Transition Fund, has secured 100% ownership of Italian energy service company Genera New Energy Società Benefit by acquiring the remaining 25% stake.

Headquartered in Rome, Genera Group provides energy infrastructure to support companies’ efforts to reduce energy costs, decarbonise operations and increase energy independence. It specialises in LED lighting retrofits, building retrofits, combined cooling, heat and power facilities, process efficiency and onsite solar PV installations.

In 2020, SUSI acquired a 75% stake in Genera Group and has now bought the remaining 25% stake “based on the company’s continuous progress since the initial investment in 2020 and the strong strategic alignment with the current management team”, the infrastructure fund manager said.

Following the transaction, Filippo Ghirelli has resigned from the board of directors and Richard Braakenburg, Co-CIO of SUSI Partners, has been appointed as the new chairman.

With the increasing global emphasis on decarbonisation and energy security, Genera Group is well positioned to capitalise on the growing market opportunities that energy and process efficiency as well as other customer-oriented energy solutions offer, SUSI said.

SETF – SUSI’s evergreen equity fund – focuses on establishing and scaling up platforms that develop, construct, buy and operate energy-transition infrastructure assets in Europe and other key OECD markets. The fund currently holds “a well-diversified portfolio” across a wider set of energy transition themes, including clean energy generation, energy efficiency, battery energy storage, customer energy solutions and electric-vehicle charging, the company added.

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