Link Asset Management, manager of Hong Kong-listed Link REIT, has secured a HK$12bn (€1.41bn) sustainability-linked loan (SLL) facility with 16 leading international, regional and local banks.
Link REIT said the facility was the largest of its kind among the real estate sector and real estate investment trusts in Asia to-date.
The SLL facility consists of four tranches of HK$3bn each, including revolving credits and term loans.
George Hongchoy, Link’s chief executive officer, said: “The SLL is governed by Link’s new sustainable finance framework, which requires all our sustainability-linked finance transactions to include, at a minimum, one target under each of the ESG aspects.
“Our vision 2025 sets out ambitious medium-term goals that comprehensively address ESG impacts on sustainability across all our operations.”
He added that sustainability-linked financing was a natural step to ensure that ongoing investment in sustainability initiatives helped the company extend its track record of ESG performance.
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