Latest Alternatives News – Page 296

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    Mass PRIM rebuilds timber portfolio


    UNITED STATES - Massachusetts Pension Reserves Investment Management Board (Mass PRIM) is to invest a further $500m ($376m euros) in US timber after selling a $700m section of its portfolio approximately three years ago.

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    Local authority funds urged to invest in housing


    UK – A real estate debt specialist has slated UK local authority pension funds for failing to invest in domestic social housing.

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    ING REIM steps in to rescue Creed fund


    ASIA – ING Real Estate Investment Management has taken over as general partner (GP) at an Asian real estate fund for the second time in 12 months.

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    CalPERS takes social action to protect rent rates for lower-income households


    UNITED STATES – The California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) is seeking to prohibit excessive rent increases and involuntary displacement of low-income households in its US multi-family residential investments.

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    Italian real estate scraped a positive return in 2009


    ITALY – Capital values in Italian commercial property suffered the steepest decline in its seven-year history, falling by -4.6% in 2009, according to Investment Property Databank (IPD).

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    Tennessee Consolidated nears real estate commingled holdings


    UNITED STATES - Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System is getting close to making new investments in two core open-ended commingled funds, in a bid to gain diversification into office and retail real estate.

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    UK residential returns outperformed commercial property - IPD


    UK – Investment grade residential real estate in the UK has outperformed commercial property in the country over the past three, five and nine years, and delivered a double digit total return of 11% in 2009, according to International Property Databank (IPD).

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    Spain tops the losses for IPD European returns


    EUROPE – Spain experienced its second consecutive year of negative commercial real estate returns in 2009, while Germany and Switzerland remained relatively stable over the same 12-month period, according to Investment Property Databank (IPD).

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    Unilever’s Progress nears end of direct real estate divestment


    NETHERLANDS – CB Richard Ellis is in negotiations with an unnamed investor to exchange on the remaining assets of the domestic real estate portfolio of Progress, the Dutch pension fund of Unilever.

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    Rothschild Realty sees fresh prospects for US housing


    UNITED STATES - Rothschild Realty Managers has made a $100m (€74.9m) equity investment with Summit Housing Partners based in Montgomery, Alabama, on the back of renewed confidence in the housing market.

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    Ireland’s NAMA takes on property-backed 'bad bank' loans


    IRELAND – The Irish government has confirmed its National Asset Management Agency (NAMA), or so-called ‘bad bank’, has started to take €16bn worth of troubled real estate loans on to its books.

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    Illinois State to boost real estate holdings by $300m


    UNITED STATES - Illinois State Board of Investment has approved plans to invest $300m (€223.1m) in real estate in 2010.

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    Pension funds maintain German real estate security


    GERMANY – Total returns for German real estate declined for the second consecutive year, but pension funds in the country have continued to focus heavily on their domestic market because it “feels safer”, according to a leading pension fund manager.

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    BRIC-built recovery expected - JLL


    GLOBAL – The BRIC countries will lead the global real estate market recovery as their economic expansion boosts occupier demand across all sectors and cross-border investment returns, according to Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL).

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    APG and Corio to invest €1.3bn in European retail


    EUROPE – Pension fund asset manager APG has agreed to help listed real estate company Corio raise enough capital to acquire more than €1.3bn worth of retail assets in Europe.

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    Aviva's AIPL investments near €290m


    UK – Aviva Investors has acquired more than £260m (€289m) of UK real estate over the last six months for its AIPL vehicle, a low-risk real estate fund for institutional corporate and local authority pension schemes.

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    West Midlands bags UK shopping centre


    UK – Property company and fund manager Delancey has sold a UK shopping centre for more than £70m (€78m) to the West Midlands Pension Fund.

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    Morgan Stanley launches secondaries fund


    GLOBAL – Morgan Stanley has launched the first real estate fund of funds vehicle dedicated specifically to acquiring secondary interests in existing funds.

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    Texas Teachers seeks growth in agriculture


    UNITED STATES - Teacher Retirement System has made its first ever investment in agriculture with a $250m (€145.9m) commitment into the AG Real Value Fund, managed by Teay’s River Investments.

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    British Steel pension moves into music store


    UK – The British Steel Pension Fund has acquired an HMV music store in Manchester from a private investor for £18.9m (€21.14m) and plans to make further acquisitions over the next 18 months.