GLOBAL – There are two new searches on
One is for a US and Canada real estate manager, and the second is for an Asia Pacific (including Japan) real estate manager.
More than one manager can be selected for each region.
The first (QN545) is for the US and Canada, and is seeking managers that invest only in REIT’s. The preferred benchmark is the GPR-250 US index but other benchmarks will be considered. Minimum AUM in this asset class should be $350m.
The second, in Asia Pacific (QN546), is for managers that invest only in listed companies. The preferred benchmark is the GPR-250 index but other benchmarks will be considered. Minimum AUM should be $100m.
The requirements include a stable team, a minimum three-year track record within the asset class and bottom-up oriented out-performance over the last three years rolling on GIPS (or other) certified basis.
The closing date is December 8.