Infrastructure | Asia-Pacific

Analysis and in-depth reporting of Asia-Pacific infrastructure developments plus the all latest news

EDF India and Actis agree smart metering joint venture

EDF India and Actis team up for advanced metering infrastructure


Joint venture to support India’s 250m meter rollout by 2025

Limestone Coast North Energy Park

Pacific Green sells A$460m Australia battery storage project to Intera


Palisade’s Intera acquires the 250MW Limestone Coast North Energy Park project

Charging station

Patrizia, Mitsui fund invests in Philippine parking facilities developer


A-SIF takes majority stake in Parkwise, with plans to invest up to $250m to back projects

Data centre

Future Fund and Infratil acquire additional stakes in CDC Data Centres


Infratil, Future Fund and CSC will own 49.75%, 34.55% and 12.04% of CDC, respectively

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