Europe – Page 442

  • News

    UK and Nordic pension investors opt for Nordic logistics fund


    UK/NORDICS - A group of large Nordic and UK institutional investors have invested in a new logistics real estate fund offered by Nordic Real Estate Partners, which will invest in Nordic logistics properties.

  • News

    Ohio PERS to invest $1.6bn in real estate


    UNITED STATES - Ohio Public Employees Retirement System will allocate $1.6bn (€1.2bn) in real estate this year and will be targeting stable assets as well as motivated sellers in particular.

  • News

    CBRE launch breaks into DC pensions


    UK – CB Richard Ellis Investors has launched its first property fund aimed at the defined contribution (DC) pension sector.

  • News

    Hewitt advises pensions funds to consider UK real estate


    UK – Hewitt Associates is focusing on domestic real estate for its UK pension fund clients following two years of volatility and poor performance in geared overseas funds.

  • Caution is the watchword

    Caution is the watchword

    March 2010 (Magazine)

    In a fragile recovery, investors are returning selectively to European property, with an eye to top quality assets and income generating potential. Lynn Strongin Dodds examines the market

  • Analyse and scrutinise

    Analyse and scrutinise

    March 2010 (Magazine)

    In an era of prudence investors and managers need reliable data to support their asset allocation and investment decisions, says Cameron McVean

  • Magazine

    Reading the signs

    March 2010 (Magazine)

    The medium-term outlook for UK property is far from clear. Peter Hobbs and Henry Stratton examine and assess some likely outcomes

  • Not out of the woods yet

    Not out of the woods yet

    March 2010 (Magazine)

    Ian Whittock forecasts double-digit returns on existing stock for 2010 but longer term he’s cautious on the risks of a stalling economy

  • Magazine

    Paris: Suburban moves

    March 2010 (Magazine)

    Victoria Scalogne reports a trend for larger corporates to relocate to the outskirts

  • Magazine

    London: Look to the City

    March 2010 (Magazine)

    Greg Mansell says the West End no longer looks good value

  • Highs and lows

    Highs and lows

    March 2010 (Magazine)

    Before real estate markets across Europe begin to show signs of a significant recovery, there will have to be an improvement in the area’s economic fundamentals. Nicole Lux and Richard Plummer report

  • News

    German property redemptions could carry two-year waiting period


    GERMANY – Investors in German open-ended real estate funds will have to abide by a two-year holding period before redeeming their shares, if government plans come to fruition.

  • News

    Pension funds outperformed with property investments


    UK – Pension funds outperformed the International Property Databank’s (IPD) benchmark of 3% for all participating UK funds in 2009, because they owned prime property and bought largely ahead of the market rally in the second half of the year.

  • News

    Danish pension funds take on sustainable office development


    DENMARK - Danish pension funds PensionDanmark and Lægernes Pensionskasse, and Swedish financial group Nordea Life have purchased a sustainable office development in Denmark through a joint venture.

  • News

    Aegon AM launches fund targeting smaller properties


    UK – AEGON Asset Management is the latest fund management group to launch a fund targeting smaller real estate assets in the UK, as the market for prime property becomes increasingly competitive.

  • News

    Europe's biggest pension fund given top-line real estate guidelines


    NORWAY - The Norwegian Ministry of Finance has today revealed the Government Pension Fund-Global fund will in future be invested in real estate as planned, albeit investments will be made over a long period of time, in a bid to reduce risk.

  • News

    Lack of purchasing stocks shifts attention to secondaries


    EUROPE – A lack of prime real estate being placed on the market is forcing investors to consider secondary assets or to focus on opportunities arising from banks.

  • News

    Responsible investment fund to develop UK care homes


    UK – A new socially-responsible real estate fund backed by local authority pension funds has invested in the UK care home sector.

  • News

    Aberdeen claims core European real estate has bottomed


    EUROPE – Aberdeen Property Investors has begun buying real estate again for its core pan-European institutional fund now that it believes many of the continent’s prime markets have bottomed out.

  • News

    L&S makes 36% gain on 9-mth investment


    UK – London & Stamford Property, the listed company managed by Raymond Mould and Patrick Vaughan, has sold a UK office building for £51.3m (€56.6m), nine months after buying it for £37.6m