Asia-Pacific – Page 136

  • News

    San Bernardino eyes structured finance over Asia


    UNITED STATES - San Bernardino County Employees’ Retirement Association has expanded its real estate investment program to the Asian markets for the first time by investing $40m (€28.9m) in two commingled funds but is now turning attention to the structured finance sector.

  • News

    Montana State grows international focus


    UNITED STATES - Montana State Board of Investment has increased its exposure to international real estate with committing capital to two new commingled funds.

  • Go boldly, tread carefully

    Go boldly, tread carefully

    September 2007 (Magazine)

    The question for pension funds is not whether but how to invest in Chinese real estate, as Shayla Walmsley reports

  • Magazine

    Early bird renewals

    September 2007 (Magazine)

    One thing that comes across clearly when talking to investors who have made commitments in China is how important it is to have good local partners.

  • Perfect harmony

    Perfect harmony

    September 2007 (Magazine)

    Government measures protecting the population from excessive price growth have not fazed foreign investors, as Richard van den Berg and Kenneth Tsang find

  • Unlocking potential

    Unlocking potential

    September 2007 (Magazine)

    In-depth local knowledge and local contacts are prerequisites if investors are to benefit from China’s burgeoning real estate investment opportunity. Ian Hawksworth reports

  • Keeping it simple

    Keeping it simple

    September 2007 (Magazine)

    Abundant liquidity, an array of regulations, and still fresh memories of the recent financial crisis have so far limited the potential for structured products in Asia, writes Lynn Strongin Dodds

  • News

    Pension funds give euro focus to Goodman


    EUROPE – Asset management firm Goodman Property Investors has picked up a series of new European real estate mandates from pension funds in recent months, the latest of which is from GlaxoSmithKline (GSK).

  • News

    Canada pension fund targets Kiwi airport


    CANADA - The Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) is bidding for a 49% stake in the Auckland International Airport (AIAL) group, as part of a strategy to target long-term holdings in infrastructure assets.

  • News

    US Colony seeks infrastructure with Challenger


    UNITED STATES - Australian-based Challenger Financial Services Group Limited has formed a strategic relationship with Los Angeles-based Colony Capital to invest in real estate and infrastructure in the US, Europe and Asia.

  • News

    Indiana State seeks overseas opportunities


    UNITED STATES - Indiana State Teachers Retirement System will be looking at investing around $200m (€147m) into a new real estate strategy that will include international and opportunistic investments.

  • Magazine

    Something for everyone

    July 2007 (Magazine)

    Recent fund launches suggest that if fund managers are running out of big ideas, they aren't short of big ambitions

  • Europe’s rising giant: Istanbul

    Europe’s rising giant: Istanbul

    July 2007 (Magazine)

    Exciting demographics have propelled Turkey up the league of investment appeal in spite of a shortage of stock and nagging political uncertainties, as Paul Strohm discovers

  • Retail delight

    Retail delight

    July 2007 (Magazine)

    Neville Moss looks at the emerging shopping centre market in Istanbul where exceptional fundamentals present a solid long-term outlook

  • The great maze of opportunity

    The great maze of opportunity

    July 2007 (Magazine)

    The boom in REITs and the surge in foreign investment have boosted liquidity and transparency but good quality investments are still hard to find. Richard Newell explains

  • Magazine

    Responsiveness is key

    July 2007 (Magazine)

    Timothy Bellman and Shane Taylor focus on four of Asia’s major office markets and stress that selection based on low supply elasticity will be crucial in minimising future risk

  • Taking on primary importance

    Taking on primary importance

    July 2007 (Magazine)

    As Asia’s major centres struggle to meet the surge in investor demand the focus is moving to a vast tier of lesser ‘secondary’ giants where huge potential combines with significant challenges. Paul Benjamin reports

  • Clear vision required

    Clear vision required

    July 2007 (Magazine)

    The Asia juggernaut is building momentum but don’t be blinded by the headlights. This was a key message that came out of the recent REIW Asia conference in Singapore Martin Hurst reports