Americas – Page 191

  • News

    MacFarlane raises $1bn for urban investment


    UNITED STATES - MacFarlane Partners has raised $1bn (€683.6m) for Urban Real Estate Fund II, making this one of the largest urban commingled funds ever to be created in the United States.

  • News

    Ohio School Employees places capital into non-core property


    UNITED STATES - School Employees Retirement System of Ohio has approved commitments totaling $100m (€67.2m) into two non-core commingled funds, as its investment strategy for 2008 is to ignore the core real estate market.

  • News

    Arizona State to take real estate over the border


    UNITED STATES - Arizona State Retirement System has decided to open its real estate investment program to the international stage on both the private and public side.

  • Crisis of confidence

    Crisis of confidence

    December 2007 (Magazine)

    Kevin White and Leonard Mills examine the causes and consequences of the credit crunch kicked off in the US residential property market

  • Froth from the cappuccino

    Froth from the cappuccino

    November 2007 (Magazine)

    An analysis of the current global economic crisis was one of the key items on the agenda of this year’s annual AFIRE meet in Washington, DC, writes Kathryn Hamilton

  • Caution goes to Hollywood

    Caution goes to Hollywood

    November 2007 (Magazine)

    Even a glamorous Beverly Hills setting could not hide a marked change in sentiment at PREA’s autumn conference. Martin Hurst reports

  • News

    CalPERS drops RREEF after key staff losses


    UNITED STATES – RREEF has lost the contract to manage California Public Employees Retirement System’s CalWest Industrial Investors LLC separate account following the departure of several key officials earlier this year.

  • News

    Washington State ups real estate allocation


    UNITED STATES - Washington State Investment Board has decided to boost its real estate allocation from 12% to 13%.

  • News

    Texas Teachers invest in land banking


    UNITED STATES - Teacher Retirement System of Texas has approved a commitment of $150m ($101.4m euros) into the Stratford Land Fund III commingled fund, as there is now less appetite for building physical developments.

  • News

    Apartments hit most by market shift – Pramerica


    UNITED STATES - Pramerica Real Estate Investors is predicting the apartment market will be the most affected of all major property types by the recent changes in the residential housing and credit markets.

  • News

    US pensions shift further into structured finance


    UNITED STATES – Increased pension fund capital in the United States is expected to flow into structured finance over the coming months, following moves by two schemes to invest in the sector.

  • News

    NY State Teachers to pull out of two core funds


    UNITED STATES - New York State Teachers Retirement System is thinking of withdrawing $225m (€153m) from two US core open-ended commingled funds.

  • News

    CPPIB to make direct bid to airport shareholders


    NEW ZEALAND - The CA$120.5bn (€89bn) Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) is to approach Auckland International Airport (AIAL) shareholders directly after the firm called off talks on its bid to acquire a 49% stake.

  • News

    DTZ strikes oil with Canada buy


    CANADA - As Canadian pension funds continue to invest aggressively in overseas infrastructure, DTZ has announced it is entering the market through the CA$31m (€22.5m) acquisition of property services firm JJ Barnicke.

  • News

    Pennsylvania State signs to $1bn Mexico fund


    UNITED STATES - Pennsylvania State Employees Retirement System is thinking of making a commitment to a $1bn (€681.3m) Latin America residential fund being launched by Pramerica Real Estate Investors.

  • News

    Illinois Teachers widens separate account plans


    UNITED STATES - Teachers Retirement System of the State of Illinois is planning a shift in its separate accounts real estate programme when it makes its next manager search.

  • News

    Principal study calls end of cap rate compression


    UNITED STATES - Principal Real Estate Investors feels that time of the cap rate compression in the United States has run its course, according to a report investigating current real estate market potential.

  • News

    LACERA trades property for commingled fund


    UNITED STATES - Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association has sold a shopping centre in Los Angeles and traded it for an investment into a commingled fund with the same real estate manager.

  • News

    Pramerica expands into Brazil


    UNITED STATES - Pramerica Real Estate Investors has expanded its industrial investment efforts into Brazil for the first time, through a joint venture with Racional Engenharia.

  • News

    US pension funds rest sleeping capital in hotels


    UNITED STATES - Pension funds are still eyeing hotel properties as a good investment, as San Diego is the latest to shift additional assets into the sector and Principal has made its first purchase for investors.