All Real Assets articles in September 2007 (Magazine)
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Two cheers for the Europhiles
We see a refocus on Europe-specific markets; investors show a preference for German commercial; Belgium makes a blip on the radar, and Asia’s further interest is shown in strategic potential
Venturing beyond the homestead
Founded in 1926, Zurich civil servants’ pension fund BVK now caters for nearly 90,000 members.
Pay dispute
A recent study of executive remuneration at UK property companies shows a limited link between pay and performance, Shayla Walmsley reports
Seize the opportunity
Despite the increasing transfer of new products to the market, further structural and cultural change is required. Joe Valente reports
Greater significance
Large managers often tout their size as a selling point. Marketing puff or serious stuff? Adrienne Margolis reports
Raising the stakes
Once a source of relatively easy returns real estate is now proving more challenging. This brings the subject of risk management to the fore. Lynn Strongin Dodds reports
A cast-iron case
Property has a vital role to play in adding to the diversification of a pension fund portfolio, as Mark Long and Tim Francis report
The human factor
As in other asset classes, falling returns in real estate have increased the focus on manager-specific risk, as Greg Wright explains
Interesting times
As the use of debt moves up the agenda, the focus on interest rates volatility is intensifying. Edward Barker and Gerbert van Grootheest explain
Know your tenant
As real estate prices rise, attention is turning to rental income – where many potential pitfalls await. So has the time come to systematically assess global real estate income risk? Simon Marx reports
Reward for good conduct
Developing close co-operation with tenants through property and customer management processes will yield benefits, says Peter Best
Maintaining the focus
Founded in 1988, AFIRE has, as its mission, “provided an opportunity for the foreign investor in the US to become as knowledgeable as US domestic investors”.
All abroad
Continental European real estate offers a natural second home for UK money scouting for real estate to invest in. But with continental Europe following the same trend, some UK funds are opting to go global. Shayla Walmsley reports
Safety first
A number of obstacles face Hungarian pension funds investing or seeking to invest in real estate but the outlook is improving, as Krystyna Krzyzak reports
Natural forces
Charles Lowrey, CEO of Pramerica Real Estate Investors, the real estate arm of the US-based Prudential Financial, joined the company in 2001.
The rough and the smooth
The way in which German open-ended real estate funds are valued is under scrutiny, but is there a case to answer? Sally Hodge reports
Time to be fair to Germany...
Is the German real estate sector failing as a destination for foreign investment? Ute Geipel-Faber and Ellen Schwemmlein look at the facts
Go boldly, tread carefully
The question for pension funds is not whether but how to invest in Chinese real estate, as Shayla Walmsley reports
Early bird renewals
One thing that comes across clearly when talking to investors who have made commitments in China is how important it is to have good local partners.
Perfect harmony
Government measures protecting the population from excessive price growth have not fazed foreign investors, as Richard van den Berg and Kenneth Tsang find